
Company special equipment self - check security meeting

Monthly security regular meeting.
First, the general manager (Ni Yanyi): July 15, 2016, the market supervision and management of the general branch of our company all the special equipment were checked. After inspection, my unit in the special equipment safety aspects of hidden dangers, on this kind of hidden danger, today the company safety production team invited special equipment staff to discuss how to rectify such hidden dangers. Wait until the first to inspect the scene, check whether there are other hidden dangers.
Second, the Department of Integrated Management (Fang Songkang): on-site inspection results are as follows:
1, for the provisions of the forklift for the use of registration, not declared forklift inspection, the use of untested forklifts. Before the forklift inspection, the forklift vehicle condition must be overhauled.
2, freon room pressure gauge, safety valve overdue inspection.
3, the scene forklift driver Zhou gold mine operating certificate is lost.
4, forklift driver does not forklift safety management A8 certificate.
5, pressure pipes, pressure vessels do not have security management A3 certificate.
6, special equipment safety management personnel and operating personnel training records were not established.
7, fill in the pressure pipeline maintenance and daily inspection records, forklift maintenance records.
   Third, the Department of Integrated Management (Zhong Biqiong): on the need for rectification matters. Check the first time yesterday to contact special equipment testing side.
1, has been linked to special equipment testing center, you need to ask the car condition in good condition, to be able to six forklifts for testing, testing to be submitted to the product appearance certificate. Two of them in 2011 forklift five certificates, the need to submit the factory to produce supporting documents. And then according to the preparation of information, please test the center staff to give testing. And then according to the test to go to Putuo special equipment inspection branch for the use of registration certificate and license plate number.
2, on the freon pressure gauge Please special equipment inspectors to replace the new pressure gauge and safety valve.
3, Zhou gold mine has been asked the certificate of special equipment certificate management office. Said that this person certificate, need to go to the newspaper, and then submit my identity and proof of the company can be card.
4, the company tentatively by Guo Minghan apply for registration forklift safety management A8 certificate training.
5, on the pressure vessel, pressure pipe Li Ruo can have been registered in early June.
6, to be the training of special equipment personnel, to give records of training records.
7, the pressure pipeline maintenance and routine inspection had been saved, there may be missing and other phenomena, to be strengthened.
Fourth, general manager (Ni Yanyi):
1, this month on the company hazardous chemicals inspection is very strict. But also the sensitive period of the G20 summit, members of the safety production team to serve as its departmental security positions. The company's largest source of danger and special equipment, dangerous sources and food hygiene and other security issues should be arrested.
2, July began to enter the summer hot summer season, coupled with lightning, heavy rain, typhoons and other natural disasters, seasonal security problems. Do not really do a good job in summer safety work, to ensure the safety and health of workers, effectively curb all kinds of accidents. I need to do the following arrangements:
(1) to increase staff summer heatstroke and seasonal accident prevention measures propaganda. Enhance self-protection awareness.
(2) the company must provide workers with summer cooling water and essential medicines, into the production sector emergency first aid kits.
(3) Summer supplies must be issued. To provide staff work enthusiasm.
(4) such as outdoor open-air operations to minimize the workers operating time. Air temperatures up to 40 ° C do not arrange outdoor work. The temperature is above 37 ℃, 40 ℃ below the arrangements for open days operating time accumulated no more than 6 hours. Do not arrange outdoor open-air operations for up to 3 hours. 35 ℃ above, 37 ℃ below should be taken to change the way off.
     Summary: On the month of July regular meeting held in the hope that special equipment and summer work safety, the departments must be responsible for the work of the Department of security. In the management of hidden dangers need to be strengthened. As a special equipment responsible for the management should pay more attention to the importance of seasonal safety. Hope that the departments of mutual supervision and mutual assistance to work.

Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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